Where Is AVERE Today?

2021 was a pivotal year for the uptake of e-mobility in Europe. The European Commission published the Fit for 55 policy package, which will frame the path for the upcoming years. The industry was also extremely active, putting on the market tens of new models
of EVs.

It was also a fundamental year for AVERE. Here is a summary of what we have managed to achieve in these twelve months to support e-mobility and our members.

These are the results of one single ecosystem, as it is thanks to the support of our members, who have hundreds if not thousands of members in their countries, that we have access to our broad network. It enables us to have an impact on policies and share our vision through many different venues, hence providing a higher added-value back to the members, in a virtuous self-sustaining cycle.


AVERE doubled our membership
over the last 5 years to currently 38
members representing both EV
industry and users

AVERE continuously supported
members in their advocacy efforts
at the national level

AVERE’s dedicated working groups
allow members to coordinate on top
policy priorities and standardisation/
regulations. They also serve as a forum
for the exchange of expertise. The
working group structure is driven by
our membership’s priorities.


AVERE developed and published a
detailed vision of how Europe can
achieve the full decarbonisation of
transport via e-mobility by 2030

AVERE successfully campaigned for
the change of the Alternative Fuels
Infrastructure Directive (AFID) into an EU
Regulation (AFIR), helping speed up and
strengthen the development of charging
infrastructure for EVs across Europe

AVERE persuaded, together with our
partners, the European Commission to
propose a phase-out date for fossil vehicles
across the European Union. Currently set
for 2035, AVERE is now advocating for
bringing it forward to 2030.

AVERE produced 5 position papers
representing the view of all our
members on key topics like charging
infrastructure, CO2 emissions, the
future of batteries in Europe, the
availability of EV charging in buildings,
and the AFIR.

On the basis of these position
papers, we have developed concrete
suggestions for amendments and
actively engage with key institutional
stakeholders on behalf, and with the
active engagement of our members.

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AVERE’s management provided keynote
speeches at more than 25 events last year
in Europe and the world.

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-06 at 10.55.21

The association was invited to have
representatives at defining events
for the industry during the year, like
Power2Drive and Enlit 2021

We hosted the AVERE E-mobility Con
ference 2021, with the participation of
leading industry figures, top-level poli
cymakers and renowned experts. It was
joined by hundreds of digital participants.


AVERE was featured in multiple articles
in the press, as either a topic, a source of
information or even as a guest author.
These include publications like POLITICO,
Mobility Makers, TaaS, and The Innovation

Our social media presence now reaches
more than 1.700 followers on Twitter
and above 4.000 on LinkedIn, with both
channels steadily growing. Its newsletter
database counts more than 12.500 readers.
