190+ countries will gather as of yesterday for the next two weeks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, to join COP27 – the annual UN Conference to take action to mitigate the worst effects of the climate crisis and adapt to its impacts.
The COP Presidency has identified sustainable transport as a key focus for the climate conference. It will be covered in different sessions, including the COP27 Solutions Day on 17 November, to present its importance to decision-makers, highlighting success stories and available opportunities for more climate action.
As AVERE, we will monitor and join all the relevant discussions that will take place in the coming days on our social media. We will specifically look for progress on points from last year’s summit:
– The declaration on accelerating the transition to 100% zero-emission cars and vans, although non-binding, was a positive step in the right direction. We call for its ambition to be strengthened by setting a phase-out of internal combustion by 2035 in major markets.
– We call on governments to commit resources and adopt policies to shape the full ecosystem that enables the use of clean vehicles.
– The upcoming global mass uptake of EVs must be powered by clean energy. We hope this climate summit will see a real drive to build a truly decarbonised and future-proof energy system.