AVERE-BOLDT study shows unprecedented dynamic and explores the necessary impediments for policy makers and companies across the entire value chain
Brussels, 7 April 2022 – AVERE, the European Association for Electromobility, and BOLDT, the pan-European business strategy and communications consultancy, today published a joint study analysing the role of policy makers and market actors in driving forward the e-mobility in the EU.
The study, The End of the ICE Age (available here) sought to explore if the electrification of transport is a policy-driven process or if the industry is now in the driver’s seat and is leading the the shift from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electromobility.
To answer this question, the authors researched data from industry players about their phase-out of ICE vehicles. It also conducted qualitative research among industry players across the value chain, about the key driving factors and the industries evaluation of what went well, what went wrong and what needs to happen on EU and national level. Findings of the study include;
– The shift away from ICE vehicles to electromobility is already irreversibly happening, leading to fully electrified sales over the coming decade.
– The various legislation initiatives have worked as a driver for vehicle manufacturers in this process, not only through tougher CO2 targets, but also by promoting conditions and infrastructure.
– While industry players still identified a number of needed legislative changes, subsidies, a reduction of bureaucracy and more charging infrastructure, they are already in “a race to the top”, aiming to secure technology leadership and market shares of the future.
This mutually reinforcing dynamic must continue over the coming years: policy makers must implement their ambitious programmes, while the industry must continue to implement the largest ever technology restructuring and face challenges from the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing supply-chain disruptions.
Philippe Vangeel, Secretary General of AVERE, commented: “For the first time, e-mobility is no longer predominantly policy driven, but industry players along the value chain are in full swing to shift towards electric vehicles. We now see an unprecedented dynamic in the transition.”
Dr Michael Kambeck, Partner at BOLDT, stated: “Our study shows that political and business decision makers have both fully committed themselves to electrification. Now everybody who manages to do their homework will profit from the transition, whilst everyone who lags behind will lose.”
The European Association for Electromobility (AVERE) is the European association that promotes electromobility and sustainable transport across Europe.
Our Members consist of National Associations supporting and encouraging the use of Electric Vehicles and electromobility across Europe. We currently have active members in 21 European countries, notably some of the most successful EV countries like Norway, France, The Netherlands and Belgium.
Within these Associations, there are close to 2.400 members, ranging from SME’s, OEM’s, and other companies with a commercial interest in electromobility
You can download the factsheet for the AVERE’s Vision for 2050 here: http://old.avere.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/AVERE_VISION-FOR-2050_factsheet-V032021.pdf
BOLDT is a senior-led consultancy focused on delivering business strategy, communications and stakeholder engagement to transform organisations and performance. BOLDT has offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Dusseldorf, London, Oslo and Zurich. BOLDT has a network of international partners which enables us to give clients support across Europe and around the world. Please visit BOLDTpartners.com to learn more.