Oslo, 14 June 2022 – The City of Rotterdam is the winner of this year’s E-Visionary Awards 2022. The winner was announced during the closing ceremony of the 35th Edition of the Electric Vehicles Symposium in Oslo today. Mrs Lutske Lindeman, Strategic Advisor for Mobility & Energy transition or the City of Rotterdam, represented the municipality as the prize was awarded.
“For more than 10 years we work hard on clean mobility. It is a real honour that we receive this important award for our work.”, she commented.
The E-Visionary Award is a way for the World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA) to recognise cities and regions as E-Visionaries. These are the cities and regions that promote electric vehicles as the sustainable and convenient mode of transportation through their initiatives: they are the trailblazers that make electric mobility a daily reality in the lives of their inhabitants.
Through their commitment and capacity, E-Visionary Award winners become references and set best practices for communities worldwide.
Europe’s largest industrial and logistical hub, the City of Rotterdam is truly a pioneer of electric mobility in Europe: it has electrified its fleet since 2009 and has steadily grown the urban network of charging points for electric vehicles, with more than 4000 by 2021 and counting, and serves more almost 18,789 unique EV drivers per month. Moreover, its efforts avoided emissions equivalent to 14.689 tons of CO₂ in 2021.
Always leading by example, the city has decided to take decarbonisation to the next level and respond to new challenges by moving towards zero-emission zones for city logistics in 2025.
Every year, three awards are assigned, one in Europe, one for the American continent and one for the Asian Pacific region. The winner of the awards is decided by the WEVA Member covering the part of the world the award is associated with. For Europe, the association making the decision is AVERE – The European Association for Electromobility.
Espen Hauge, President of AVERE, commented: “Rotterdam is a can-do city of courageous pioneers. they are tapping that energy to drive change, accelerate development and activate a zero-emission society.”
AVERE (The European Association for Electromobility) is the European association that promotes electromobility and sustainable transport across Europe.
Our Members consist of Companies, Research Institutions, and National Associations supporting and encouraging the use of Electric Vehicles and electromobility across Europe. We currently have 45 active members, including from some of the most successful EV countries like Norway, France, The Netherlands and Belgium. The association is governed by our Board.
Within these Associations, there are close to 2.600 industry members, ranging from SME’s, OEM’s, and other companies with a commercial interest in electromobility and more than 140.000+ EV users. Furthermore, AVERE’s network includes Users of Electric vehicles, NGOs, Associations, Interest Groups, Public Institutions, Research & Development Centres, Vehicle and Equipment Manufacturers and other relevant Companies. This extends beyond Europe into global outreach.
You can download the factsheet with the AVERE’s Vision for 2050 here: http://old.avere.org/wp-content/uploads/AVERE-Zero-emission-Mobility-for-all-2022.pdf