Registrations for AEC2023 are open!
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The EU’s climate ambitions have prompted lawmakers to virtually agree on an end date for internal combustion engines within the next decade so that electric vehicles will become the main vehicles available on European roads in the near future. AVERE welcomes this commitment which will help make our roads cleaner and healthier.
While setting a clear end date for the combustion engine was a prerequisite for the deployment of EVs on the road, it will be important, as a second step, to address the key enablers for the industry to join forces and bridge the gap to create a future-proof and optimal emobility ecosystem.
AEC2023 is at a crossroads for industry, consumers and government to join forces to take emobility to the next level. This conference will thus rest on five pillars that will constitute the key enablers for a smooth transition to zero-emission mobility:
Each pillar will be addressed through panel discussions, roundtable, side-events that will gather decision-makers, EV industry representatives and EV consumers representatives.
These discussions will be followed by networking sessions which will give you the opportunity to exchange with pioneers in the industry, lawmakers but also researchers.
We are therefore delighted to invite you to partner with AVERE AEC 2023, as a sponsor, exhibitor or participant.
This two days event will take place from September 26-27, 2023 in Utrecht – a pioneer in electromobility and the world’s first bidirectional city.